creating a doll toy from petz lnz

if you've ever wanted to have a miniature doll version of one of your petz as a toy for them (or other petz) to play with, it's a surprisingly easy process!

make a copy of the Fish Bone toy, name it whatever you want the toy to be called, and then follow typical procedure for making a hexed toy (change all the sprite IDs from "BONE_F1" to something with the same format, for this toy i used "DOLL_D3", change the name of the toy in string list 63, change the BEVENT file text to whatever flavor text you would like to appear for the toy, etc.), with a couple of extra steps to consider. first, when changing the sprite ID for the BDT resource, make sure you leave the 0 at the end! BDT resources always have a number at the end to tell the game which animation in the file they are, and since this toy only has one "animation" for the pose, it'll be 0.

next, in RCData, after changing the Sprite and Display names and the ID, set the tag to 3. this will allow the toy to show up in the Toy Closet, since the Fish Bone is usually hidden.

open the pet you want to use to make the doll, and copy their LNZ. you can use either the child or adult LNZ, whichever you would prefer.

now, open the LNZ resource in the toy, select all, and replace it with the pet LNZ that you've copied. (you can delete certain sections that aren't strictly used for visuals, like [Fur Color Areas] and [Breed Name] if you want to clean up the file a bit, but it's not necessary.)

as an extra step, if your pet uses any external textures, you can right click in the resource panel and use the Add Resource menu to put them directly into the toy as well, like one would for clothes with new textures.

(bear in mind that this means your pet's LNZ will be inside the toy. while a pet's appearance is only a portion of them, if you're using a hexed pet and you'd be particularly upset about someone looking around in the LNZ, make sure you only distribute the toy to people you trust!)

next, open up the Rez DLL for the version and species you're using (so, for the Petz 3 toy based on a cat i'm using for example, Catz 3 Rez.dll), and save the CAT or DOG BHD resource somewhere.

for the BDT resource, you have some choices! since the toy will only use the first frame of the animation for its pose, most of these will just result in a static standing position, but some transitional animations may start in a sitting or laying position, so those would be good to use here. you can consult disco's animation spreadsheet to see which animations are which, or look at them in something like PetWorkshop, but for now, we're going to use CAT135, which starts in a sitting position. (for dogz, pose 33 is in a sitting position, and 0 is a static standing position for both species.) save this resource somewhere as well. (as a note, the game doesn't like to use some of the BDTs and will crash when you take out the toy if they are used, so if this happens, try a different one instead.)

in the toy file, right click and replace the BDT and BHD with the ones you saved from the Rez DLL, then save and close the toy in LNZ Pro for now.

open your toy file in a hex editor, and find+replace every instance of Bone_F1 with your new Sprite ID name. this will allow the game to find the new LNZ, and the shelf sprites to appear when you add them later.

if you save the file and take out the toy ingame right now (the shelf sprite will still be a fish bone!), you'll have a static facsimile of your pet. a life-sized doll, if you will.

back in LNZ Pro, in the LNZ you placed in the toy, find the [Default Scales] section, and lower the numbers to something a bit smaller. 60-70 seems to be a good range for this purpose. i recommend making the second number at least 5 more than the first (or more, if you'd prefer a chubbier toy.)

you should now have an appropriately miniaturized doll.

for the shelf sprite, bring the doll to the playpen, set the background to a plain color, and take a screenshot. remove the background color in an image editor, and scale down the image a little.

open your toy in Tinker, and replace all the shelf sprites with your scaled-down image.

as an optional step, in a hex editor, do a search in the file for "6A 06". in the "6A 00" just before this, change the 00 to the number corresponding to the color of your pet (in this case, 01 for black.) consult the reference table here if necessary! next, a little further down (or just search for "6A 07"), change the "6A 0B" just before "6A 07" to "6A 0A" to change the toy's flavor/texture from "bone" to "soft". this will both make the toy appropriately appeal to petz that like soft things, and change the sounds when the toy is chewed on so that it doesn't still sound like the pet is chewing a bone!

congratulations, your pet now has their own marketable plushie!

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